Trekking poles are allowed
Can you have pacers if you do the "supported" version? ==>> In the past most crossings were documented by the "pacers" you had on the mountain. Badwater135 allowed pacers on the bike for a while, then for safety reasons they said No. So the simple answer is Yes. Please read thru all the guidelines. For example if your only way to document the finish is your pacer, they cannot be family, by/gf and so on. Most people do rent and carry a satellite gps tracker
Can pacers actually carry anything for you? ==>> only for the supported version. Right ? People driving the car for you are "mulling" for you and meeting you ever mile or 2 miles or 5 miles. I do not see how that would be different on the mountain. Me Bogie , the second crossing i did , i had a friend who carried a -20F sleeping bag for me ... and granted i used it AFTER i finished ... but i was NOT doing the supported version ( I was Solo Oasis to Oasis) ..., and i slept in the little hut at the top for safety. So i won't come down, downhill ... sleep deprived. And when Badwater135 was happening during the day , i know people that carried "stuff" like food and clothes for the "runner". It is pretty much the same help you get from the car
Can one start at 1000 instead of 1800? ==> the "day time start" has a few more rules, please read all the guidelines. For example we had people that started at 7am , walked 1 mile, got in the car, and came back in the evening ... trying to avoid the heat during the day time in Death Valley ... trying to get a "day start" so we created a Guideline for that.
Before 2022 or even older .
Q::Also, what is the cut off time for this? Is there one? by Telma Altoon
- In time we changed and designed the rules to be both flexible and rigid, therefor there is no specific time cutoff. So one rules says this should be a continuous uninterrupted crossing, another rule says this should be a personal challenge. For example, if you did a 100 mi race in 25 hrs-ish ( emphasis on ish and this being an example) ), we kinda' expect you to stop at each oasis for a few hours, maybe sleep a little bit. Probably would not be OK to stop every 20 miles and sleep 8hrs. But if you are 60yr old and your last 100miler was 10 years ago, but you have hiked PCT or John Muir Trail every year ... than it might be ok for you to walk 30 miles, sleep 4-5-6 hr, walk another 30-40 miles, stop and sleep for a few more hours ... and so forth
- When unsure , email the Badwater146Admins@Googlegroups.com with an exact precise question or scenario
Q:: Facebook Group vs Email group - Like many other Ultra events, we are choosing to make Facebook "read only", because many members chose to not have a Facebook account ( even several of the Admins), because we are trying to encourage people to announce their crossing to the email lists, which will ensure they are part of the Yahoo email group and thus allow us to reply back to a known email address. Because it was hard to keep track of all the comments, selfies, advertisements on Facebook and having an email group will allow more visibility to more people.
Q:: What is the simplest way to describe this whole process?
The two email lists are Badwater146@YahooGroups.com, and Badwater146Admins@GoogleGroups.com
Runners need to announce their crossing WAY in advance by email
Admins need to check their "Athletic Credentials"
Runners must email their own personal GPS ( not shared ) tracker before their start
Runners submit the online forms with all the crossing details, dates aso + email supporting documentation
Admins they only have to delete the entry if they Deny the crossings
The two email lists are Badwater146@YahooGroups.com, and Badwater146Admins@GoogleGroups.com
Q:: What if there is snow going up whitney and the distance will be shorter than 146mi?
- the Badwater146 is the lowest to highest ... so technically you can do any route up the mountain , even the mountaineer route ( which is technical and dangerous , especially when you are tired after 135miles).
- that being said, pay attention to one of the guidelines that say "Be a role model. Be legal. Obey all rules written or not written ( for the road, safety, night visibility, DVN Park, US Forest Service, police, mountain, Whitney aso.)"
Q::Where can i drop off my cart for Solo or Self Contained ?
You can drop it off either in Lone Pine or at the Portal. This is how it has always been, as far back as Marshall's first crossing. Most people drop it in Lone Pine though to avoid going up the narrow road to the portal.
Q:: How much elevation gain/loss is there ?
more details https://www.badwater.com/blog/badwater-ultramarathon-course-description/
and https://www.trailrunproject.com/trail/7024711/mount-whitney-via-mount-whitney-trail
UP [1] Stovepipe to Townes 17mi/+5000ft + [2] Panamint 15mi/3400ft + [3] Lone Pine to Whitney Portal 13mi/4600ft + [4] Portal to Whitney summit 11mi/6400ft = 57mi with +21,000gain
DOWN [1] Townes to Panamint 8mi/3400ft 8 miles + [2] Darwin to Owens Valley 12mi/1300ft = 20mi/ -6100ft ( plus the downhill from Whitney summit back to the portal which brings it to 31mi and -12,500ft )